
aloe juice


aloe juice

What is okyalo aloe drink?

It is a kind of cactus, is not it? How can help cactus Sam numb limbs? "


These were my words about ten years ago. He told my daughter, Joanna, who happily holding a plump yellow bathroom. He seemed to think the content of aloe held the answer to my problem arthritis 8-year-old bearded collie him. I do not agree. My reason; I knew Joanna drink okyalo aloe drink for IBS - and that helped the situation. At this stage, I have not seen absolutely no relationship between the rigidity of Sam and her belly!


I had a lot to learn. My "education Aloe" began with 60 ml of the drink in the end agreed to throw Sam dinner. Finicky dog, often initially denied food and almost never attacked him, as many of their friends and relatives, seemed to do. I'm not saying that it is now started ... but walked to my surprise, for soon enough, after inhaling this "new" food, finished quickly (for him), and even licked the bowl clean.QQ20160928153237-640x440


Having tried the okyalo aloe drink in the bath, I found Sam's obvious enthusiasm for the mysterious and dismissed it as a very temporary bracket. But I was wrong, because he was enthusiastic again the next night ... and the next. Does he know something I did?


He suspects that he and Joanna share a secret that I excluded due to my innate skepticism about the "alternative" products, I did some digging.


In the process, I learned that, not a cactus, aloe Miller (actual okyalo aloe drink) is a member of the lily family related to garlic, onions and asparagus.


Having been around for thousands of years, it has been used for centuries to maintain health and enhance beauty. Cleopatra is said to have bathed in it, while Dioscorides, Greek physician, is said to have been used in tablets and medicines.