Here are the rest of the story: Best Price Honey Aloe Vera Kosher Drink also do all of the above. It is also a healthy heart, and strengthen the immune system, combats cancer formation, and helps weight loss, inhibits disease. The relative effectiveness of white aloe and green vary, of course; they are not exactly the same, and their effects on the body are not exactly the same. But both are good.
Best Price Honey Aloe Vera Kosher Drink like green aloe, is to pack the minimum, so it is preserved antioxidants. However, white aloe processing are even less green, the practical result is that white aloe has higher antioxidant concentration. (It also has some healing properties of the skin and anti-aging, that is another day.)
It seems that the high concentration of chemical compounds health gives Best Price Honey Aloe Vera Kosher Drink benefit in the health lottery "more antioxidant antioxidant in each cup! But because white aloe leaves have a short harvest season," buds early in the required "and not so much or manufacture by aloe makers, and this means the relative scarcity of white aloe over green aloe costs.
So perhaps Best Price Honey Aloe Vera Kosher Drink is the best buy for the money although it has less antioxidants! Now you see why green aloe, white debate goes into extra innings. Both are better.